Privacy Policy

The owner of the website is the company De Carina doo, Vinodolska 24A, 51260 Crikvenica, OIB 99335766986. With this privacy statement, we want to inform you about the ways in which personal data is collected and processed on this website, so please read it carefully By using this website, you consent to this privacy policy.

Data Protection Officer

For any questions regarding the manner and scope of data collection on this website, you can contact our authorized Data Protection Officer:

Eugen De Carina

Data collection

Carina doo processes data in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and protects the privacy of its users in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU (Regulation, GDPR) and the Law on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation NN 42/2018, as well as other applicable regulations in the Republic of Croatia and the EU that govern the protection of personal data.

We collect your personal data only when you voluntarily provide us with such information We collect information about you when you fill out an order form or subscribe to our newsletter

In addition, non-personal information and data may be automatically collected through our Internet servers or through the use of cookies.

Something more about cookies

Program cookies are a standard feature of most web servers and are not unique to this website.

A cookie is information stored on your computer by the website you visit Cookies are pieces of information that are saved on your computer when you visit a website – usually your preferences or website settings (such as preferred language or address) This is useful because it allows the website to display information tailored to your needs when you visit the site again.

Such cookies can store various information, including personal details such as your email address or name, but this will only happen if you give your consent in the pop-up window that will appear when you visit the website Additionally, you can change your web browser settings to approve or reject cookies, or automatically delete stored cookies For more information on configuring cookie settings in your internet browsers, you can search for links.



Internet Explorer


Useful information about cookies can be found on the website wwwyouronlinechoiceseu

Cookies can be roughly divided into two categories – temporary ones, which serve to enable access to content (eg items in the shopping cart during an order), and permanent ones, which serve for data storage An example of permanent cookies is your information that you provide during registration on our website, so that you don’t have to re-enter your order details for the next order.Temporary cookies are deleted after you close your web browser, while permanent ones can be stored for a longer period of time

We also use permanent cookies for statistical purposes, as they can provide us with data on how often a webpage is visited, how visitors use it, and where they come from We use permanent cookies to better understand our customers’ habits, to better respond to your needs, and to improve the functionality of our website.Such statistical information collected through Google Analytics is anonymous If you wish to disable tracking via Google Analytics, please visit the website http://toolsgooglecom/dlpage/gaoptout

For processing and automating the data we receive from you during your newsletter sign-up, we use the service Mailchimp You can read more about their cookie policy at the link https://mailchimpcom/legal/cookies/ .The cookie policy was last updated on July 21, 2022 We reserve the right to change our cookie policy if necessary, so please check periodically for any updates.

Data processing

We can use the data obtained about you for statistical purposes (to improve our website and services) and to establish communication channels – whether related to processing information about your orders or sending updates and news via newsletters, if you have subscribed to them.

Links to third parties

On our website, we do not offer or provide services or products from third parties.

Protection of your data

We continuously enhance and test the security technology of our website, and your personal data is only accessible to those employees who need it to process your orders or inquiries.

Your rights

If at any time you want to know what data we have collected about you or if you want to learn more about the purpose of data processing and the categories of personal data being processed, feel free to contact us at If technically feasible, we will send you all the information about your personal data that we have collected If for any reason we cannot fulfill your request, we will provide an explanation as to why we have not complied with your request.You also have the right, with certain exceptions, to request that we delete your data or stop processing it, or to stop using your personal data for marketing purposes If you have complaints about how we handle your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent data protection authority In the Republic of Croatia, you can submit a complaint to the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP).

Notification of personal data breach

In case of a personal data breach, we will notify you and the relevant authority within 72 hours A personal data breach means a breach of security that could lead to unlawful access to personal data collected or stored in connection with our website and services, and there is a risk that such data may be intentionally or unintentionally destroyed, altered, or disclosed.We are not obligated to send you a notification regarding a personal data breach if it concerns data that is protected from unauthorized access (eg through encryption), if we have taken subsequent measures to eliminate the risk of data breach, or if it would require disproportionate effort.