Terms and Conditions

1) Scope of application

Information about the seller:
De Carina d.o.o. for services
Street Vinodolska 24A, 51260 Crikvenica, Croatia
Commercial Court in Rijeka MBS 040438559
OIB 99335769110
Share capital of 20.000 kn paid in full
Board member: Eugen De Carina
Account opened at: Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
IBAN HR0424020061101086823
Tel.: 092 376 6986
e-mail: decarina.e@gmail.com

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of De Carina d.o.o. apply to all contracts concluded between a natural or legal person and De Carino d.o.o. relating to all goods and /or services presented in the online store www.crikvenica-glassboat.com .

1.2 A natural person, in accordance with these General Terms, is considered to be any individual who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is not predominantly related to commercial or self-employed activities A legal entity, according to these General Terms, is any natural or legal person or business-capable entity that engages in commercial or independent activities when entering into a legal transaction The buyer must be of legal age and business-capable. An agreement on behalf of and for the account of a minor or legally incapacitated person can be concluded by their representatives or guardians The seller does not assume responsibility for contracts contrary to this provision

1.3 The subject and commercial purpose of the Agreement, according to the Seller’s product description, is the purchase of the selected product through the online store wwwcrikvenica-glassboatcom, with payment of the appropriate fee – the price of that product The Agreement is concluded through remote communication means (Distance Agreement), specifically via: internet orders (web store), printed promotional messages with an order form, and phone with human intervention

2.) Contract Formation

2.1 You can place an order for products on our website through the integrated order form Registration is not necessary for purchasing via the order form, but if you prefer not to re-enter all your information for each subsequent purchase, you can create a user account on our website For any further purchases, you will only need to log in with the username and password you have chosen.

If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot your password? in the login window You will be redirected to a window where you can enter the email address you used to register on the web shop The system will automatically send you a link to reset your password.

2.2 After selecting the desired goods and/or services and going through the ordering process, by clicking on the button to finalize the order process, you are submitting a legally binding contract offer regarding the goods and/or services contained in the cart Within 24 hours, you will receive an order confirmation to the email address you provided during the order The order confirmation contains all the necessary information for making the payment for the order amount The contract is considered concluded after the payment has been made.The contract is considered concluded after the payment has been made An electronic invoice will be issued

De Carina doo undertakes to hold the ordered goods in reservation for you for 48 hours If payment is not received within that time frame, the order will be canceled.

2.3 Please follow the instructions on the screen carefully when placing an order and ensure that you have correctly entered all the necessary information Users of the website wwwcrikvenica-glassboatcom are required to provide accurate, valid, and complete personal data when filling out the registration form Failure to do so authorizes De Carina doo to deny access or provision of any or all services offered You can modify the information until you click the button to complete the ordering process.

2.4 In case of an error, the order can be canceled within 24 hours The customer is required to send an email with the subject CANCELLATION OF ORDER order number to decarina.e@gmail.com .

2.5 If you have purchased a product that has since been sold, we will contact you to discuss further steps (refund of the paid amount, purchase of another product) De Carina doo in this case is not liable to the Buyer for any reason other than the obligation mentioned above.

2.6 The contract is concluded exclusively in Croatian language.

2.7 Order processing and communication take place via email and automated order processing Please ensure the correct email address so that we can receive order-related emails, and if you use SPAM filters, ensure the delivery of all emails.

3) Prices and payment terms

3.1 Unless otherwise stated in the product description, the listed prices are the total product prices including VAT, expressed in the official Croatian currency Euro (€).

3.2 Payment can be made via a bank transfer After completing the order through the online form, we will send you an order confirmation and all necessary payment details to your email address, including the account number where you need to make the payment for the order value.

3.3 Upon receipt of the payment, we will send you a notification via email – at that point, the ordered goods or services are considered available for delivery or personal pickup You can expedite the process by sending a confirmation of payment to the email address decarinae@gmailcom .

3.4 De Carina doo is authorized to change prices without prior notice, exclusively for the web shop Additionally, De Carina doo is authorized to determine discounts, daily or weekly promotions, promotions for specific products or product groups, and/or for all products, as well as for specific payment methods, without prior notice These benefits may apply exclusively to online purchases, as indicated to the customer before making a purchase.

3.5 The price has been determined for each individual product The process of entering the price on the website for each product is subject to multiple levels of control, but despite that, there is a possibility of error due to human factors Such situations are exceptional, and we apologize in advance to our customers for any inconvenience In such cases, we will inform customers about the situation, the incorrect price, and the inability to deliver the ordered product with the incorrect price for that specific order.

4) Alternative dispute resolution

4.1 The European Commission provides the following link to the ODR platform on its website: https://eceuropaeu/consumers/odr .

This platform can serve as a starting point for out-of-court dispute resolution arising from contracts for online sales and services concluded between consumers and traders

4.2 Sporove između Kupca i Prodavača moguće je alternativno riješiti i podnošenjem prijave Sudu časti Hrvatske gospodarske komore ili prijedlogom za mirenje pri centrima za mirenje. Pritužbu možete podnijeti jednom od notificiranih tijela za alternativno rješavanje potrošačkih sporova:

– Centar za mirenje pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori, Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 2

– Centar za mirenje pri Hrvatskom uredu za osiguranje, Zagreb, Martićeva 71/I

-Profi Test Ltd, Mediation Center Mediator, Bjelovar, Petra Hektorovića 2

-Honor Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb, Roosevelt Square 2

-Mediation Center at the Croatian Mediation Association, Zagreb, Teslina 1/I

4.3 In case of inability to resolve the dispute through agreement and peaceful means, the competent court is the Court in the City of Zagreb.